Sunday, July 10, 2011

Birth Story...

On Wednesday, June 22, I had a doctor's appointment at 4pm for my normal weekly check up with Dr. Amy Eichholz, my OB, at SSM-St.Clare. Days leading up to this check up, I had been praying that I was at least 1cm dilated, AT LEAST! When Amy did my stomach measurements and my weight she said I was perfect and right on schedule, I was due July 15.. Three weeks from the coming up Friday. When she checked me for dilation she got this surprised look on her face and she grinned at me and said "You're 4cm dilated! And your baby's head is extremely low! I would say you're going to have this baby..SOON!" When she said soon she meant within the next week or two.. But little did Amy and I know that I had actually been in 'labor' for about a week now and the next morning was when I realized... It was time. Confused on either to go to the hospital or wait it out until my water broke, I took a shower, cleaned my room, packed the hospital bags, watched a movie, even took a walk around the neighborhood before calling the doctor to see if I should go. The walk around the neighborhood had caused me to start having back contractions and so when I called Amy's office they told me to go in right away. At 2:30pm, I got admitted into the triage room, Triage Room 2.  When I finally got to see Dr.Eichholz, she said I was still only 4cm dilated but I was 90% effaced and he was moving down more and more. She had told the nurse staff to get me into a room right away, and then she left saying "When you are about to have the baby, I will come back and see you." Little did she know, the nurse staff did not listen to her and we were stuck in the triage room for 18 HOURS.. 18 hours of 'we're working on getting you into a room' and 'well we're going to try to stop your labor and you'll be on your way home'. The nurses kept changing their minds and finally at 9:00am Friday morning Amy came to check on me.. She was livid to see me still in the triage room, so she went and told them to get me into a room and to break my water. At 9:10am we we're finally in a room, Room 2309, and at 9:30am they broke my water. My mom, Karan, was making fun of me because I had nothing to help me with the pain of contractions and they were getting HIGH and I would just sit there completely normal and she would just look at me and go 'Cant you feel that!?' and I would just reply with a nope and a smile. In anticipation of pain, I asked for my epidural and once I got that, it wasn't too long after that I felt the urge to push. After 45 minutes of pushing, I told my mom, Kane, the nurses, and Amy that I could not do it anymore and as soon as I said that.. My son Liam was born.

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